Novelist Brian Keene (The Rising, The Conqueror Worms) is writing Doom Patrol #16

he got the gig though current DP writer Keith Giffen (who is picking up the pencil to draw the issue) who acording to his stamnets on newsarama is a pretty big fan of BK's work.
pretty cool (I think)
some Novels by Keen
The Rising (April 2003): Delirium Books.
Terminal (June 2004): Bloodletting Press.
City of the Dead (January 2005): Delirium Books.
The Conqueror Worms (May 2006): Leisure Books.
Ghoul (February 2007) Leisure Books.
Dead Sea (August 2007) Leisure Books.
Kill Whitey (April 2008): Cemetery Dance Publications.
Dark Hollow (February 2008): Leisure Books.
Ghost Walk (August 2008): Leisure Books.
Castaways (February 2009): Leisure Books.
Urban Gothic (August 2009): Leisure Books.
Did you know Doom Patrol spelled backwards is Lortap Mood? It's true.