I was a 5ft8 jackass struggling on a hospital hallway floor tied up in my EKG's wiers in my own Johnny.
The thing was making a shrill whining noise. It was shaking. Was it choking? could it not breath? It bent over A hissing whistling sound coming from its nose in stuttered tandem with the shaking whine.
it sounded like someone letting air out of a balloon in small deliberate bursts. Then It ... It... Slapped its knee? Was this thing fucking laughing?
It was! Apparently it found my desperate painkiller induced finger gun hilarious.
"Are you going to sit there and cackle all day?" I hissed.
The jacked up hair ball laughed harder
"Come the fuck on" I barked
It looked like it was going to Shake Apart.
It extended a large hairy hand. I took it and was effortlessly lifted off the ground and with a bit of Thoughtful steadying was flat in my feet.
"What's this all about" I asked
It Motioned to a meeting room behind us if the nurses hadn't come during the strugle not much chance of them showing up now, but I obliged him all the same.
It spoke.
"I do not want to wake up any sick humans"
"That's mighty fine of ya but..."
"My name is Boby" he interrupted
"My name is.."
"Dynamo Marz" it interrupted again "monster hunter. The tribes call you the Executioner"
"Yea well..."
"I saw you from my room. My human form was taken to this hospital when I was found unconscious by the side of the Road. I thought you were here to destroy me but now I see your just sick"
"Heck, what gave it away"
"Please except my apology" he said holding out his hand "I was frightend and ment no harm"
I took its big fury mitt. My hand looked like a babies in it.
"Are you hurt" Boby asked suddenly very concerned.
"Nah" I Lide. I felt a bruise forming on my back.
"Can I help you back to your room?"
"Sure but you better turn back".
He stiffened with irritation
"This-is- back" he said with a growl.
"You know what I mean"
I looked at me I couldn't tell if it was thoughtful you or inquisitively. He was more way more vulnerable in his human form. Was he wondering if this was a trap or pondering how to handle my basic insensitive human comment.
"I'm sorry. I ment no disrespect and I won't hurt ya. I reckon you do owe me a coke"
"I did tackle you"
"You did"
He asked me to wait outside and I heard typical gross stretching and could portions shape shifter changeing forms. A naked 50 year old walked into the hall he looked like Chris Christopherson with Arnolds body.
Boby made an apologetic gesture Towteds his nakid self. it was obvious he didn't know what to say
"S'ok. You ain't the first nudie old timer warewolfe I've seen"
We started towards my room
"You said they found ya by the side of The road. semi? Hunter?"
Boby shifted his face contorted uncomfortably.
"Turf thing" ?
"I'm almost 200 my body is Turning on me. I must learn I can't enjoy life Lin the same ways I once did"
I looked at him trying to be poilite but my shitty poker face musta betrayed my cluelessness.
" I enjoy sweets. I consumed to much I..I.. Have sugar diseas. Your people call it"
"You have diabetes?"
"Ya know Boby I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship"