Thursday, May 20, 2010

Robert Rodriguez is going to save Hollywood

As if predators wasn't enough.
As if fucking machete wasn't enough.
Robert Rodriguez is going to save Hollywood.


Well before I tell you why let me tell you what got me so freaking fierd up

I was doing my post run Internet shuffle switching back and forth between my favorite sites and chatting with Mussburger when I clicked on good old ain't it cool news (which is still the best and most reliable entertainment news website on the Internet seconded by only newsarama I suppose) when I came across a Rodriguez interview, doctor desperado is very close with AICN's patriarch Harry Knowles and in the midst of one of their legendarily candid "interviews" the indie film pioneer dropped a big huge atomic nerd bomb on my life......

...... Mr. Rodriguez has landed the rights to Frank Frazetta’s FIRE and ICE. this is quite simply, awesome. Excuse me FUCKING AWSESOME.

if anyone else was attached to this I would be crying foul. Fire and ice is a huge part of my childhood, there's still a divit in my chin from when my jaw hit the floor of Hue Bouchard's basement when the first watched it. I really love the film and through it grew to love Frazetta. But I love the way Rodriguez and his camera sees the world and I know he shares my love of both the film and the iconic image machine that created it . to the point, I have no doubt he will knock this out of the park.

for those who have never seen fire and ice it was animated collaboration between two titans of my youth, teaming the ideas and style of Frazetta with the mind bending innovative rotoscop animation of Ralph Bakshi the duo twisted my life into in a irredeemable knot of 10 sided dice and Robert E. Howard novels. It had gory fight scenes awesome monsters Frazetta women.... really what else can you ask for.

Knowles:..... A project we’ve probably talked about since we first met. As you know, I had the honor and privilege to work with FRANK FRAZETTA on a special From Dusk til Dawn poster and you’ve always asked “when are you going to get the rights to Frank Frazetta’s FIRE and ICE?”

Rodriguez: Yep! The awesome Ralph Bakshi and I have been working it out for a while, and it’s now a TROUBLEMAKER STUDIOS PICTURE. What’s cool is, unlike past projects that I’d get involved with that would get stalled for various reasons, I control the rights to this one. So it’s actually in my power to set it up and get it made, which wasn’t the case on other projects. And for you filmmakers out there, that’s really the best way to get things done. If you can manage to get the rights yourself to a property by dealing directly with the artists and creators like I did with Frank Miller on SIN CITY, and now with Ralph Bakshi on FIRE and ICE, it makes a world of difference and you can get started sooner rather than never

this is really really amazing.

So enough gushing, why is he going to save Hollywood?

well I guarantee you he is at least going to save it for me. When I left SIN CITY I felt like I could retire I felt like that was a perfect movie. I felt almost exactly the same when I stood outside Blackstone Valley Cinema deluxe after "kill Bill" chapter 1 blew my mind apart it was the type of movie I wanted to see, the type of movie I wanted to make.

Tarantino and Mr. "Mike thinks I'm going to save Hollywood by making crazy movies" films affect me in a similar way, they both kick the creator in me squarely in the nuts while giving the 12-year-old in me a complete nerdgazem.

so why do I think machetes dad is going to reboot the Hollywood system in a similar way that Spielberg and Amblin did in the 80s (bold claims I know) in the "reservoir dude" is going to keep making brilliant indie films. What makes "the Dukes of dusk till Dawn" so different from one another.

Robert Rodriguez makes money.

his films kill on DVD, heck desperado made so much money on DVD and cable licensing that it earned once upon a time in Mexico a theatrical release.
And what about his kid stuff? Ever hear of spy kids or shark boy and lava girl of course you have if you don't have a 9-year-old youth probably never seen it but you sure as shot has seen all the propaganda and sequels plastered all over toy stores and fast food joints.

is become a master of using the Internet to his advantage machete could easily have been a direct to video fan favorite but with the original trailer that opened the grind house film still making rounds on video sharing services in the buzz the anti-Arizona Cinco de Mayo trailer generated one can only imagine that by the time of its theatrical release there will be snakes on the plane level Internet anticipation for this flick. but where films like S.O.P and paranormal activity fell flat the man who brought us planet terror is sure to deliver the goods.

from their I find it to be just math From there I think it's just math combine everything I just talked about with the franchises troublemaker Studios has under its umbrella I firmly believe he's on par to fill both theaters and Newbury comic style boutiques with a lot of God dam cool.

If you think about it 90% of the films success relies in the marketing 90% of its longevity relies on merchandise and I expect to see a shipload of black T-shirts and action figures with these properties on them.

Sin city two.
fire and ice.

Now if I was home yesterday I had planned on writing a similar headline proclaiming Marvel Studios are going to save Hollywood, and I really still think they will combine universe is going to make a lot of kids love movies and expect a lot out of their heroes, and their films for that matter. And on the adult side troublemaker Studios will be churning out brilliant adult science fiction/fantasy/crazy Mexican entertainment.

this is a message for every single me in the world

okay nerds it's going to be split right down the middle Marvel Studios and troublemaker Studios are about to steal all your money and time. it's going to be a fun ride and enjoy it. You earned it


  1. I am still really excited about all this

  2. Does Rodriguez still own the rights to Madman? Thats a film I want to see hit the screen eventually.

  3. I don't really know... Interesting question

  4. to bad the comic is not very good these days. Another thing I hadn't really thought of before, predators has the potential to be big hit, which of course equals big money.
    That could mean money for more and more amazing projects.

    see in his company could be producing any number of amazing projects in the next 10 years, this also means the discovery of more potentially amazing directors.

    with his eye for talent and cool projects the future seems limitless
