I flipped backwards and laded awkwardly on my stomach 1/2 on the bottom three stairs 1/2 on the cement floor of The Basement of Rubber Chicken Comics. I like millions of other comic fans was celebrating free comic Day.
I was rushing around trying to get as much stuff done as I could get in before I had to get to sound check at 3PM. I had A lot on my mind but even I'm shocked that Rock & Roll anticipation and comic book Ecstasy had me in such a haze that a 300 pound batman could sneak up on me but he did.
I lifted my head up just In time to catch a bat-toe right beneath the chin. The punt sent me flipping backwards again I'm surprised my neck didn't snap from the kick or the Impact, I landed on my neck and shoulders and folded up like an accordion.
Fat-Bat-man reached for something in his utility belt.
I reached for my Revolver but I didn't have my holster on. I seldom go any place without O'l scourge but I was very conscious of how intimidating it was to normal folks and the last thing I wanted to do was make it look "cool" to kids.
Moving faster then I thought I grabbed a white comic book long box swung It like an oversized baseball bat and hit Fat-Bat-Man on his bat-chin. The box pretty much exploded. Comics were everyplace Extra copies of DC comics new 52 were raining down like feathers and glass in a John woo film. No way he saw that throwing knife coming no way he cought it let alone Tossed...it back...aaaaatttt meeeee.
I barely dodged the knife! What the fuck? what the fuck? I'm pretty sure I said it out loud.
Not only had he caught it. Not only had he thrown it back at me but he did it with one fucking hand!! He was in my face with the canister he pulled off his Fat-bat-man utility belt nothin I could do but get sprayed in the face and hope this wasn't to bad of a death.
As I gagged and coughed my brain was full of questions what was this thing. Who was engineering theses things? How were they? Magic science? Why did they want us dead? What was this thing and why did it just spray me in the face with ax body spray?!?!
Ok, in my weird Ape brain confusion = anger and I was pretty fucking confused.
I put limp knuckles across his nose then a side kick with partial extension to chest. The kinda kick that created just enough distance he Needed to be right in my sweet spot for what came next.
"Bab man" it said. However these things were being concocted this one wasn't done cooking yet. On a good day I feel bad for today I didn't have time for feeling bad.
"Yea know your Bat-Ma..."
I through the haymaker of all haymakers. I'm not much of a puncher but with enough foresight and maneuvering I can compensate for my lack of ability and genetic short comings. I connected right on his big fat jaw Just like his connected on mine a quarter seconded later.
We both went down like our feet were Pulled out from us landing likes sacks of taters with a thud.
Then we both kipped up and got into defensive potions and began to circle each other..... Well he kipped up. I tried to kip up (twice) then awkwardly rolled backwards to my knees the a struggled to my feet almost slipping on copies of Vide number one. After I was upright we circled each other. This was the first time I could take in what I was dealing with 6ft about three hundred batman Suit Bursting at the seams.
It pointed a defiant finger at me
Now I'm bat-man? To be honest I felt more like the joker and I was about to get all Jason Todd on his ass.
He was screwed I had my game plan and once I launched it he was done.
Marz plane 6576 AKA "GET EM"
Ended as quick as it started I ran right into a Palm strike to the throat followed by a jab of a head but I stumbled back but not far enough not to get grabbed by the throat.
He hoisted me off my feet with one hand...
... He wasn't ... He was
"Blig smoow"
The choke slam couldn't have been more perfect. I was done.
"Bab man bab man!!" He lept up and down in celebratory bliss!
"Babma... "
The end of his statement was replaced with a crack.
It stumbled forward and staggered around just in time to catch a high end replica Gandalf staff in the jaw.
He stumbled backwards. My special lady friend choked up on the staff and swung for the fences.
It went down in a heap.
"Thank you" I said unable to lift my head to look at her.
"Back rubs for a week" was all she said
"Fair" I answered
She helped me get to my feet
"I thought you feel in" she said
"I wish I fell in" I had gone down to hit the head before we took the 40 minute ride back Necranomicon.
The door swung open. an upper middle aged woman with a bad wig and coke bottle glasses she gasped when she saw the outrageous scene at the bottom of the stairs.
Almost on cue The Fat-Bat-Man answered.
"Oh fuck" said my special lady friend.
"Oh fuck" I responded
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