Thursday, November 5, 2015

Bad idea 2

*din out side* 
*i sit up in bed* 
*Tiny and Eathan run by*

Me: what's happing?

*no one answers* 

Me: whaaaaaats happing?

*no one answers* 
*donna runs bye*

Me: matrix!!

*donna stops* 

Donna: you should be resting 

Me: what was all  that ruckus about.

Donna: rest

*runs away*

*gun shots* 
*O runs by* 

Me: ORRRRRICaaaal!!

*o sticks head round corner*

O: yea? 

Me: what's happing? 

O: happening?


O: nothing. 


Me: nothing? 

O: ummmm nope

*glass shatteres* 

Me: Kid come on? Tell m....

O:   .......  ghost sharks

Me: huh?!?!

O: we are over run  by ghost sharks

Me: g-g-g 

O: gotta go!!

*bolts down hall*

* I rub my neck*

Me: ghost.... Sharks.... 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


I I was home.
I had a big hole in my neck
This place is full of monsters killers and demons...and  Those are my friends. 
This was a really really really really bad idea

Monday, November 2, 2015

Crazy talk

So I was sitting there with a poker sized hole in my neck. 

The hospital was quiet and very very understaffed. On a normal night me being out of bed would send a army of nurses my way but my altercation with bobby went unnoticed. 

I heard the Doctor and his entarage coming down the hall. I figured I was going to be layed up for a wile and it wasn't safe for me or the other folks in UMASS for me to stay. His people need to get with my people and set me up in a safe house.

"Mr. Marz"


"Is your home safe"

Visions whipped through my mind

*Dragon Attack*
*prison full of monsters*
*giant Propain Tanks*
*thing that crawled out of Silicas lab last week*


"Your going home"

"I beg your pardon"