Sunday, March 14, 2010

was this review helpful ? or why the Internet needs content editor

I was looking for admission information for the ELM draft house. I found this this !!!! it may be the most white trash reviews of some thing I have ever seen.
it defiantly is one of the best examples of the internets ability to empower complete jack asses I have ever come across

"The best part about this place (the elm) is that they serve beer on tap (that alone garners 5 twinklers). This works out great if you have a girlfriend that makes you go to all those pantywaist movies. Just get fuckin hammered, entertain yourself, and make her drive home.

Don't like the movie the owner is showing? BOO HOO. Quit crying and pull your panties back up. Don't be a cheap bastard, and shell out the five bucks anyways! Then you can grab a pitcher of sudz and get freaky in the dark (or do whatever you crazy New Englanders do in the dark). Cause all movies are funny when your drunk.

The owner is a cool dude, except that he likes the Gaytriots and Red Sux. He's always showing the games, so you bandwagon New England fans can catch them at the Elm. And, if you tickle his fancy, he'll even tell you about some cool history on that old ass building.


Don't be a pussy. Go to the Elm and get hammered while you watch Precious. Trust me, that movie is a riot after a couple of pitchers."

I am at a loss.
is this the best thing or the worst thing I have ever read?
I surely don't want to be a pussy.
i hope I like the place.
If i see A different flick Am I just automatically A pussy ?
Is this really the type of endorsement The elm wants?

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