Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Worcester And How we live it.

*Warning giant long  complainy post ahead that is tangentially related to our upcoming rock show but really has more to do with something that's been bothering me for a while*

One of my out-of-town friends told me he thinks Worcester sucks and nothing ever cool ever happens there anymore.

He said it was because the people were lame. Now he may have been saying that in an effort to not offend me. he may very well think the bands And my band specially is/are lame.

Well May 2nd at the lucky dog there is something awesome going on!

Godin and I found 4 great bands to make you dance your ass off. Bands full of Synthpop goodness, Beautiful women and Great songs.

There is going to be a contest for the best comic book character costume!
Trivia prizes!

Ever wanted to be in a music video? well the folks at Hunting Tv will be filming a music video that night! They are amazing and the video is going to be amazing.

Then there's us. We are The Deadites.

The Deadites are full of some of your favorite performers in Worcester.

80's front men. Famous radio Celebrities, Heavy metal goddesses,  Super athlete back up singers and Popular horror podcasters.
We performe our dark electronic dance music, toss in some comedy and a ton of theatricality mix it with more than just a bit of sexy and then do everything in our power to make sure that we are giving you the best 90 minutes of your week. We may have even saved you from a monster or 2.

Long story long, it's going to be fun.

So basically we put together a night where you can be footloose and fancy free and forget your problems for a few hours... heck you even can be someone else for the night and just have a good time.

The only thing we can't bring is you. I think Worcester is fucking awesome I think Telelectrix is fucking awesome Agents of chaos are my children.. So I'm sort of obligated to say they're awesome.

So don't come out to prove some jackass that doesn't know anything about how fucking great Worcester and its people can be wrong. Come out because may Second at the Lucky dog music hall is going to be amazing And the The most amazing part is going to be you guys!!!

And PS

I know people from all over the world.
Radio hosts.

They are awesome, that said  I know just as many people right here from city of  the dead that are just as fucking awesome.

Andrea wolian is from here. Derrick ring is from here. The curtain society is from here. Victor infante is from here. Duncan Arsenault who has been In more great bands then I can list? Yes that's dudes from here! Paul The Best Game master ever is from here.

The 2 girls that sing for the Deadites are from here!! Beat that sucka's

It's  awesome here.

 we just need to stop complaining and start connecting. Stop blaming where we live and start living there.

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