Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Monster hunting School: Class 1 Zombies

I interrupt this exciting tale of my imminent and exaggerated demise to give you a little bit of book learning.  There are eight sub classes of what people commonly know as zombies.  The most common one is Class Ones, AKA shamblers.  Shamblers are generally resurrected by some sort of chemical accident or scientific misadventure.  For a pop culture point of reference, George Romero zombies and the zombies in that TV show you are all so crazy about are shamblers.  They are not very dangerous unless you encounter a bunch of them.  Even then someone with a bit of combat training has a pretty good chance of making it out of a jam if they are careful. 
Much like in the movies you dispose of Class Ones by destroying the brain.  Either blunt force trauma or a good old bullet to the head will put one down lickety split.  So now you know.  And knowing is half the battle, except for the 100 years of training experience and knowledge.  Now that I think of it, knowing probably won’t help you so much at all.

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