Thursday, October 22, 2015

W(are wolf) T (rouble) F (ight)

Palm strike Jab jab Eye poke

The Classic Dynamo separation technique. The type of stuff muscle memory kicks in. The Type of stuff that Will give you'd some space no matter what species is invading your personal territory.

I was up in a flash. 
The beast fusght back a growl but it took his whole body keep in. 
Show down time.
Rewind time.
My brain was back to Dynamo speed but my body was not cooperateing. 
In my head I was up and ready to fight in real life I was in my back with a hole in my neck tangled in medical equipment 


1 comment:

  1. On one level this post feels reads like a cool poem, on another, I just want to send you all of the hugs. (((((((()))))))
