Wednesday, May 20, 2015

filing in holes

The porch 12:30 Am 

The War Room Felt more like detention  the type you didn't know what did or why you were there. We were in trouble but we didn't know from who or why. 

Afterwards Tiny and I sat on the deck of the dummy house that was the entrance of my end of the Crypt. 

Tiny: this is weird. 

Me: it's gross its like sitting in piss soup 

Tiny: umm I wouldn't know? 

Me: hahaha 

Tiny: it's like who ever was attacking us didn't want us to do the show but once it went down he lost interest.

Me: heh.. We fought the war dead before I found out about the show. 

Tiny: those things, Vampiers, Werewolf, ninjas and a fucking dragon

Dynamo: an..

Tiny: ... AAAAnnnnd a lady with a bottle.  

Dynamo: right 

Tiny: Doesn't make sense. The creatures seam arbitrary.

Dynamo: too random to be random.. If that makes any sense.

Tiny: not really but I agree 100% 

Dynamo: fuck we can't even talk any more! we sound like idgits! 

Tiny: ok random monster attacks. 
The vampires were all identical to each other.  

Me: fact

Tiny: and the Three ninjas had the same face and the bottle girl looked like a girl version of them. 

Me: fact

Tiny:  Tiny the dragon.... 

Me: the dragon didn't look like anybody. 

Tiny: you know anybody with scales?

Dynamo: let me pull out your little black book!

Tiny: Ha! Let's just assume the Dragon was a big job. The bad guy may not have had time to make more.

Me: if he had a lot of Dragons...

Tiny: we wouldn't be having this conversation 

Me: unless it's just part of his plan more Fucking with us....

Tiny: stay on point! just facts! 

Tiny: he has at least A dragon. 

Me: fact

Tiny: speaking of big jobs.

Me: the War undead. That was a huge job. 

Tiny: I counted 9 different wars 5 or 6 undead soldiers per war. 

Me: super nerdy.  

Tiny: SUPER NERDY! But what else? 

Me: he enjoys his work.

Tiny: what else?

Me: providing they were genetically engineered

Tiny: yea?

Me: he's an artist. Spent a lot of time on the first trap

Tiny: ok? 

Me: so that was supposed to be the only trap. 

Tiny: that's what I'm thinking    

Me: the dragon? 

Tiny: that does through things off a bit. But it's possible we were more spread out then he thought. The Dragon may have been phase 2. But he/she/it had to spread his recourses thiner

Me: were did he get a dragon to clone?

Tiny: right so definitely made from scratch 

Tiny: fact 

Me: O' and the big brains found no trace of any thing magic. On any of things that attacked us. 

Tiny: so it's  science 

Me: genetically Engineered

Tiny: Fact 

Me: was the Trash werwolf tough? 

Tiny: pretty tough. Not as tough as The Army Men but tough. 

Dynamo: vampiers were pushovers. One Bezerker class would be a hand full I took care of 3 pretty easy. 

Tiny: Ethan and Donna took on 20! The ninjas?

Dynamo: better then the vampires. They were also pretty smart.

Tiny ; but not smart enough to riddle your stupid ass with ninja stars from across the Street. 

Dynamo: fair.

Tiny: so what's that add up to Bill by force.

Dynamo: vampire and the ninjas weren't done cooking yet? 

Tiny: can't say fact 

Me:  but likely

Tiny: so that's all the facts. 

Me: hmmmmm ( popping open another wisenheimer)  

Tiny: hmmm indeed. 

Dynamo: can I talk to you about something? 

Tiny: everyone can tell your pregnant 

Dynamo: good one

Tiny: we've been respecting your privacy....

Dynamo: funny

Tiny: .. But your big as a house. 

Dynamo: ok that's enough

Tiny: 6 months? 

Me: ok ok that's a god dam nuff

Tiny: you wanted to talk about something 

Me: may I? 

Tiny: be my guest. 

Me: Since Got poisoned a few weeks back....

Tiny: .... Some one Took advantage or you? 

Me: great.. 

Tiny: ..... And now you have baby in you?

Me: oh sure

Tiny: And a big baby belly.    

Me: you done? 

Tiny: please continue.

Me: well thanks 

Tiny: your welcome mom.

Me: since then..

Tiny: since the baby or the poison?

Me: the poison 

Tiny: ok just checking 

Me: thanks for looking out

Tiny: of course 

Me: SO! Since Then! I've been having weird dreams

Tiny: pregnant people...

Me: tiny.

Tiny: hormones and stuff. 

Me: tiny?

Tiny:: hahahah ok ok. What kinda weird dreams

Me: well one night I had a dream about clown from the new poltergeist trailer.

Tiny: the new one? 

Me: yea.

Tiny: are you afraid of clowns? 

Me: I'm afraid of the giant Demon filled one who lives in this building! But not generally. 

Tiny: that's fair. What did it do? 

Me: scary shit. It didn't stick with me.

Tiny: what else?

Me: the other day I had a dream my apartment was haunted. I was tossing a drum stick out of my bathroom and It was flying back in!! 

Tiny: that's strange

Me: yea! 

Tiny: do you ever have THE DREAM?

Me: No. Thankfully not. 

Tiny: not for a wile huh?

Me: ten or so years. 

Tiny: well that's something 

Me: yea that was not a good time. 

Tiny: how did you know it was a ghost Tossing the stick back?

Me: I don't know I just did. 

Tiny: are you sure your not pregnant? 

*I flip him off as hard as I can*!

Tiny's phone buzzed in his pocket followed by mine a seconded later.

The Text was from Mz Matrix. It read 

"We've got something" 

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